Utah.gov - An official website


What's does your future look like? College or a technical training program? A different job. Starting your own business perhaps. Life is full of possibilities. This website introduces you to tools and information that can help you make informed decisions on career, education and training, and job options.

Creating a plan for your life take more than one session of exploration. Check out the resources on this site, then go to UtahFutures to create an online portfolio to track your journey. Good luck. Your future is getting brighter.

Investigate Careers

What are your career options? How do you choose among 100s of jobs? What are your personal work-related characteristics, and what impact do they have on your career decision? What careers have the brightest future?

You know what you want to do, but you need more training or education first. This section provides detailed information about training programs, college admissions, and financial assistance.

Find a Job

Who's hiring? Who are Utah's best employers? Which skills are currently in high demand? Search for jobs, internships, and apprenticeships online and learn more about Utah job trends, including how to start your own business. Also, find out how to write a dazzling resume and prep for an interview.